Copyright Boston Pain Specialist.
All rights reserved.
Boston Pain Specialist
Sasa Periskic, M.D.
Back pain is extremely common, with
80% of people experiencing back
problems during their lifetime!

90% of people with acute back pain
recover within 6 weeks, but up to 7%
develop chronic pain.

At Boston Pain Specialist, we focus on
interventional treatment of spine and
neck pain, and cancer pain.  Dr. Periskic
is board certified in pain management
and anesthesiology, and specializes in
the latest techniques to treat pain.

Boston Pain Specialist provides  
consultation, and diagnostic and
interventional management of acute
and chronic pain.

Most insurances accepted.  Referral
from your primary care physician or
specialist is recommended.

Boston Pain Specialist
50 Tremont Street, Suite 103
Melrose, MA 02176
ph: (781) 662-PAIN (7246)
fax: (781) 662-7241